There are two 'works in progress' projects in my studio that have taken on "legendary" status over the years. Truth be told, they are not that epic, they are personal journey type projects that I seldom share outside of the sanctuary of my home studio. The Book of the Dead (a leather bound, handstitched tome of projects gone terribly wrong) is a catalogue of my studio discoveries, formulations, methods, and 'recipes' not to be followed again. The other notable, is an unnamed cookbook filled with doodled pages of old recipes I've managed to hoard from family members and friends over the years.
Recipe cards are one of those things I think everyone keeps, hands down to generation to generation, gifts to others, and treasures in one way shape or form. It's hard to think of the holiday season without having a recipe book of somesort on hand. I wrote a blog post about recipes here and showed the process of how one can easily decorate their own recipe cards below.