TCCE 2011

The Creative Connection Event held many surprises for me this year. I was fortunate enough to be invited to attend by a dear friend and mentor, Beckah Krahula. Due to the overlapping in events with the New York Maker Faire, I was only able to experience the BlogHer sponsored portion on Thursday.
As a person who not only teaches those who'd like to earn a living creating as well as making my own living via the various things I personally make myself, this event embodies so many things "done right."
1) Not only are people (not just women) encouraged to take risks and be bold in striving for those things they desire in their lives, they are shown real world examples of ordinary everyday folks who did, and continue to do, extraordinary things to enjoy atypical success.
2) The focus on networking and lifting others to achieve their dreams is something I think we forget in the corporate world. With an ever connected social media existence, we forget that it's not about us inasmuch as about the community in which we are all trying to populate and thrive in.
3) People blog for many reasons... some for personal edification, others for monetary gain, some for validation that they aren't just some human sucking air and giving off carbon, whilst others are just trying to prove that they aren't so alone perhaps. I loved the fact that many people at this event had no agenda, that is, they had no idea what to expect but, we ready, willing and wanting to receive it.
4) We all had a place at a round table. There were no name tags or pre-determined seating arrangements yet, there was a custom spot for each of those who attended. We were lavishly gifted many trinkets and sundries, served dessert first and given silverware with linen napkins. I think it is important to feel as if one is intended... that they matter and have purpose. It was wonderful knowing that the strangers we sat with not only became acquaintances by the end of the meal and presentation but that, even though we may not have known what it was we were to offer to our companions upon sitting down, we did upon leaving. The willingness to share and ask specifically, 'how may I serve you?', is powerful folks, it is powerful to build another up to their full potential by using the talents you were given.
For me personally, the reason I was supposed to go was to see faith in action and taste the richness of dreams poured out.